Im Pact of Allameh Tabataba'i atti tude on is Lamology of Heny corbin about Mysticism



1 Assistant Professor of French Language and literature, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran.

2 PhD Candidate of French Language and literature, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.


The present research studies the concept of mysticism, its origin, its different forms of religious and non-religious and its ability also to reveal the mystery of creation. The main objective of the current research is to examine the impact of Allameh Tabataba'i thinking as a mystic and Islamic scholar, on the idea of Corbin, philosopher and east scholar, in the field of Islamic mysticism and Sufism, which changes his view not only in the field of Iranian Islam, particularly Islamic mysticism, but changes his point of view in general. According to the study, Corbin with emphasizing on Iranian-Islamic mysticism feature (Twelver Shi'ism), which finds its roots in pontificate and contact with Imam Mahdi, not considering any separation between philosophy and mysticism, presents western mysticism as a rupture between theology and philosophy and the basis of creation of secular thinking in west. Thus, this French philosopher knows Iranian-Islamic mysticism a solution to protect the world against secularism.


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منابع اینترنتی