Free Thought Criticism in Allameh Tabatabai's Practical Soul, Emphasizing the Introduction to the Interpretation of Al-Mizan



Faculty Member of Islamic Department of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences


Allameh Tabataba'i has introduced ethics in scientific works and in his practical life that can be used in the field of ethics of science. Accordingly, the author has tried to study the ethics of the critique by referring to the most important scientific work of Allameh (the commentary of Al-Mizan) and in light of the introduction of the book, and also with regard to the practical practice of the Master, often reflected in his disciples' expression. The most important results of the present research are: the ethical point of view in the works of Allameh is freedom of thought and, in this regard, he considers the basic forms of commentators to be inappropriate. From the point of view of the Allameh, the human is a habit and imitation of the great obstacles of free thinking. Ultimately, ethics such as truthfulness, courage of critique, precision, scientific environments, enlightenment, politeness and dignity, precise explanation of foundations and devices, precision in separation Science, acceptance of critique of others and scientific humility of Allameh's moral attributes in the field of critique of works and arts.


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