Allameh Tabataba'i and the future of the world with the rule of Islam



Assistant Professor of Islamic Sciences ,Allameh Tabataba'i University.Tehran, Iran


The article studies the issue of the future of the world from the perspective of Allamah Tabataba'i. Scientificness and novelty is due to the fact that the mentioned issue is a Quranic one from the perspective of Allameh. This issue has been examined by the special method of Allameh's interpretation and by his analytical exploration of the related hadiths, he examines the system of right-oriented human and natural humanity and human societies, and asserts that human tendency is in accordance with its intent to resolve corruption and oppression. Therefore, his final course is toward the rule of right and ultimately will bring together the forces of the future and will make the future of the world righteous. He considers the complete occurrence of such an event at the time of the advent of the promised Mahdi and with the general rule of Islam. And by interpreting verses, he states that in that age there will not remain any religious  outside Islam, and all the people of the book will believe in Jesus who will descend to the Imam Mahdi . To resolve the ambiguity, he addresses the issue of the relationship between the advent of Imam Mahdi and the issue of return and resurrection, which, in some proofs, has been considered the end of the world in addition to the Hojjat returnee or resurrection, and knows it as the truth of these three issues in the emergence of the right are the same . 
