Analytical comparison between Allameh Tabatabai’s method and traditional exegetes in interaction with exegetical traditions (A Case Study of clear (mohkam) and ambiguous (motashabeh) in the 7th verse of surah Aale Emran)



1 Faculty member of Quran and Hadiths, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

2 PHD student of knowledges of Quran and Hadiths, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

3 PhD student of comparative exegesis, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran


One of the most important differences between rational and traditional exegesis is their way of interaction with hadiths; in such way that existing fundamental differences between these two exegetical methods and serious conflicts in the way of interacting with verses and hadiths in recent centuries and its results, - specially ideological and social results – makes it important to study them very carefully. This study is aimed to make a descriptive-analytical based research of mohkam and motashabeh in the language of hadiths particularly those related to 7th verse of surah Ale Emran, and compare it whith Allamah Tabatabai's  opinion. To achieve this goal, the idea of Almizan author and traditional exegesis books of Noorothaghalain, Alborhan, kanzoddaghayegh, Assafi, ghomi and Ayashi, in this subject has been compared, and after obtaining a comprehensive definition of Mohkam and Motashabeh, the amount of their accordance with the pointed verse and related hadiths has been evaluated. The results of this study are as follows: according to rational method in simultaneous benefition of rashen and tradition and believing in unreason ability of single strand hadith except juridical problems, especially in divine principles  and exegetical knowledges, the idea of Allameh corresponds completely with the hadiths. In addition, it justifies the pretending conflicts among various hadiths unlike majority of traditional exegesis. Also our holy prophet and imams (peace be upon them)-  according to their duty to guide people - have a complete knowledge of the holy Quran, and excluding science of even a single verse of the Quran from there vast knowledge conflicts their responsibility as divine leaders and is against divine wisdom; but this fact doesn’t have any incompatibility with restricting paraphrase knowledge to Allah the almighty.
