Allameh Tabataba’i and the Way of Using Arabic poems in Al-Mizan



Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran;


Al-Mizan is a book full of knowledge, wisdom, narrative, literary and historical subjects which are written under Qur’anic concepts to illustrate them. This book is actually a precious Encyclopedia of Islamic and Qur’anic sciences which has been used as a reliable source by researchers within the last forty years and in many cases, Allameh Tabatabai’s comment, is the final word. However, the attention of Allameh Tabataba’i to the literature and especially Arabic poems associated with expression of verses, has a special position and importance. In this paper, according to the possibilities of an article, we have tried to determine and analyze the main functions of these poems and their approach which indicate Allameh tabatabai’s thought and talent. Our sources, are the original text of Al-Mizan and also its translation in twenty volumes of Mohammad Bagher Mousavi Hamadani which has been published in Qom.
