Analysis of Purpose of Human Actions from the Perspective of Allameh Tabataba’i



Faculty Member of Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz Branch, Ahvaz, Iran;


Allameh Mohammad Hossein Tabataba’i is one of the philosophers who tried to look with a new approach at the ultimate cause after Molla Mohsen Faiz Kashani. Most of the Islamic philosophers have tried to answer the problems made against ultimate cause, but Allameh Tabataba’i tries to respond to two main problems of seeing it futile and considering in vain by proving the principle of general evolution. In his opinion existing a purpose in all of human actions as part of the three categories of acts, natural, divine and humanity, is obvious and general. But, the purpose of the act is different depending on the source. The difference of purposes in Allamah Tabataba’i's view  returns to the difference of brief and detailed science, and the purpose is an order of magnitude of the existence of man, which, from subjective existence to objective existence will exacerbate one.The first sign is that all of the human beings are in search of perfection, and their perfection is the best move, secondly, purpose in human acts which is a scientific subject can be achieved provided if the attainment of science will be achieved. Thirdly purpose returns to the subject and, accordingly, purpose is a degree of human existence. Purpose means the ultimate movement, the perfection of the human being, which first begins with mental imagination and, if realized, will cause the path from imperfection to perfection, and will intensify the existential level of man.
