Dedicated and Delay Means Relying on the Interpretation of the Koran similar Structures Majma ol Bayan, Al-Mizan, Namone




There are verses in the Holy Quran with similar structure in which chronological style is employed carrying a special aim. By take a precise look at Majma ol Bayan, Al mizan and Namone, this issue will be clear that they have different views in dealing with such verses. Al mizan interpretation has a better approach in responding to such verses. Namone wins the second while it was seen no special attempt on behalf of Majma ol Bayan in tgis regard in the way that it just relies on examining the similarity of these verses. The present study which is a descriptive and analytical one, while criticizing this weakness of Majma ol Bayan, proves that all verses descended in chronological manner has their own unique reason and logic in the way that not all can be interpreted in the same way due to the lack of any repetition in Quran which result in fun and entertainment.
