The Method of Allameh Tabatabai in al-Bayan fi al-Moafeghate Bain al-Hadithe va Al-Quran




Allameh Tabataba’i in the fourth decade of his life wrote a commentary called al-Bayan fi al-Moafeghate Bain al-Hadithe va Al-Quran. This work, covers the till verse 57 of Surah Yusuf's interpretation.Al-Bayan is Allameh’s first attempt to enter the realm of the interpretation of the word of God. It includes the first signs and symptoms of serious reflection on the Qur'an through which one can find the Allameh’s way in interpreting Quran. To this aim, this article using analytical methods accentuates Tabataba’i interpretive method. Finally, despite the visibility of using other methods such as narrative interpretation, he has benefited from other methods like Al Quran, literary, and intellectual.
