An Analysis of Hijab and Chastity from the Perspective of the Qur'an, Relying on the Expediency of Allameh Tabatabai's Credit Perception Theory

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Allameh Tabataba'i University

2 Allameh Tabataba'i University


The verdict of hijab and chastity in the meaning of observing the appearance of appearance and control and protection within man from sin and haram in the Quran have been emphasized. In the contemporary societies, however, there has been a shift from the naked to the progressive and developmental, and human identity has turned into physical identity. This has led many intellectuals and elites to seek to institutionalize hijab and chastity, and provide solutions to solve the uncertainties caused by it. Among the theories that utilize it based on the content analysis approach can be explained in the explanation of why hijab and chastity and ways to deal with it, the theory of perceptions of credit Allameh Tabataba'i, which is based on recruitment, justice and community, and personal and social interest Has paid attention to humans. Accordingly, recruitment and social justice will lead to the provision of public goods, and the obligation to protect hijab and chastity as well as balance in society should be considered the same category.
