Analysis of Hudud philosophy of Allameh Tabatabai view point

Document Type : Research Paper


Hudud the most fundamental precepts of Islam its implementation in society has been regarded as a priority and stressed the divine legislator but today is the question is Hudud sentences they said the enemies of Islam anti Human rights or not ? the author of the answer while explaining the philosophy and wisdom of the Hudud Sentences From the viewpoint of Allameh Tabataba'i believes that the sentences not human rights but also that Allameh Tabataba'i Considering ayat of holy Koran believes that the implementation of each of these Hudud in society is for ultimate happiness and welfare of humankind. From his perspective, the philosophy of Had for adultery and for serious accusation is for the survival of generations and community system; because with spreading of adultery and prostitution in society, day by day people get less willing to marry and as a result survival of humankind and community system are threatened. Similarly, the philosophy of Had for wine which is based on the common good and for prevention of natural, moral and intellectual threats and also of hatred and enmity between people. Considering the philosophy and wisdom of the implementation of Had for thefts, Allameh Tabataba'i considers it as a measure for not corrupting the society; because to his opinion, no crimes as much as trampling rights of people can corrupt the society. Because the most important thing that makes human society sustainable is economics which Allah has put the basis of the social system
