analysis of End of human actions from the perspective of Allameh Tabatabaei

Document Type : Research Paper



Allama Mohammad Hossein Tabatabai to the philosophers knew that after Molla Mohsen Faiz Kashani, tried to look with a new approach to the ultimate cause. Islamic philosophers have tried all the objections made against final causes, but the ultimate cause of Allameh Tabatabai tries to prove the universality of the principle of two forms known to the public's ideas, and nothing seemed to respond. In his opinion there is an end to all human actions as part of the three categories of acts, natural, divine and human, of course, and general But the goal of the act is different depending on the source. The first sign that all beings in search of perfection, and perfection is the best move, second goal in human acts, which is a scientific subject, provided that the attainment of science will be achieved.Thirdly end returns to the subject and, accordingly, ultimately, higher degree of human existence.
