Dedicated and delay means relying on the interpretation of the Koran similar structures Majma ol Bayan, Al mizan, namone

Document Type : Research Paper


There are verses in the Holy Quran with similar structure and delay the work presented in these verses sometimes style and the Ways, a special purpose vehicle an important loss. With precision and commentaries of the Majma ol Bayan Al mizan and namone. notice Al mizan important that their performance in dealing with these verses is different. Al interpretation reflected in the response to the offer and delay the signs of similar verbal interpretations better and then the sample is interpreted in the namone after Al Al mizan. But interpretation Majma ol Bayan special efforts done in this approach and only in cases of similarity between the signs has pointed out. The present study was performed with descriptive and analytical method and tool library, while Majma ol Bayan interpretation of addressing the reasons for the delay in the presentation and style of allegorical verses have delivered the literal account deficit, which examines and reviews do not have the same interpretation as in the Holy Quran vain repetition that leads to the entertainment there.
