Anthropomorphisms in Quran according to Fakhr Razi and Tabatabaei's view ( A comparative Study)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Managing Director of Nikoo Mehregan Export Co. Ltd.

2 A member of faculty of Allameh Tabatabaei University


Anthropomorphism is a topic in classical Islamic theology. It is concerned with the question as to whether God resembles human beings in his features (attributes), actions, and emotions. The issue was raised in debates about statements in the Quran and hadith.
This article is a survey of Quranic text and exegeses. We will follow a thematic analysis of various Quranic exegeses, which will address Anthropomorphic understandings of God .In comparing and analyzing various exegeses representing various periods in Islamic history from the Middle Ages to modernity and expressing various doctrinal, intellectual, theological and philosophical positions, we will investigate how the nature, meaning and understanding of the Muslim scripture changed through history and in particular, how it was understood metaphorically by two grate scholars of Ashari’s Imam Fakhr Razi and Shia’S Allameh Tabatabaei.
They both believed that these verses could not be taken literally, though Allame Tabatabei used verses referring to transcendent God and Reason while Fakhr Razi has showed tendency to submission its full understanding to God himself.
