Subjective Components Affecting the Manifestation of Ethical Social Action from Allameh Tabataba’i’s Point of View

Document Type : Research Paper


Nasim Kahirdeh, Master of Sociology, Payame Noor Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran


Humans are born into social structures that are not self-created and live within a social institutional set-up that they themselves have not constructed and they operate under the pressure of constraints, customs, traditions, and laws. These all act as constituents of the “self “, but all these considered, the “I” still always responds to predetermined situations in a unique way because the rules governing society are subjective forms that can be broken, and it is only when the individual acts upon them that they manifest externally. This is also true of human moral social actions because the reproduction of morality in society is carried out only by the individuals acting by said morality. A fundamental question here is this: What subjective components lead to the manifestation of ethical social actions in individuals? In the present paper, it was strived to answer this question by examining Allameh Tabataba’i’s views through an analytic methodology. Ultimately, the following were identified as effective subjective components in the manifestation of ethical social action: 1) knowledge, 2) needs, 3) conventional conception, 4) free will, 5) emotions, and 6) faith. According to Allameh Tabataba’i, among these components, faith is the main factor that guarantees the manifestation of ethical social action by individua


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