The Future and Inheritance of Righteous Men in the Quran with an Emphasis on Fakhr Razi's and Allameh Tabatabai's Perspectives

Document Type : Research Paper


 Alaeq, Assistant Professor of Islamic Knowledge, Allameh Tabtaba’i University


The Holy Qur'an speaks of words that represent a hopeful future. From the appearance of the verses it can be considered that in the future, the inheritance of righteous men, the succession of the righteous believers, and finally the dominance of religion over other religions will occur. The present paper inquires about Allameh Tabataba'i's opinion as a Shiite scholar and Fakhr Razi’s opinion as a Sunni scholar on this matter. Accordingly, the subject was studied to explain the issue in terms of Allameh Tabataba'i and Fakhr Razi’s opinions through a library research approach, by referring to their own interpretation and using descriptive-analytic method. The result of the study is that the dominance of Islam over religions, inheritance and caliphate in al-Mizan is at the time of the advent of Imam Mahdi (AJ) , but the opinion of the Sunnis scholars, despite the valid narratives of Farighein and their opinion on the dominance of religion over other religions at the time of Imam Mahdi (AJ) is dispersed and these scholars did not relate the verses and did not provide a clear concept of the dominance of religion in particular. Among the Sunni scholars, the opinion of Fakhr Razi is that inheritance and caliphate of righteous men is in paradise and some Sunni scholars have adapted the caliphate of the first three caliphs after the Prophet (PBUH), which Fakhr Razi is one of them.


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