A Study between the Opinion of Mulla Sadra and Allameh Tabataba'i in the World of Zar

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of Philosophy, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran. tehran university

2 Phd Student of Islamic Philosophy and Kalam, Razavi Islamic Sciences University, Mashhad, Iran.


There are verses in the Holy Qu'ran that indicate that God has made a testify with all human beings. The most obvious is the verse 172 of Surat al-A'raf, which states: "And [mention] when your Lord took from the children of Adam - from their loins - their descendants and made them testify of themselves, [saying to them], Am I not your Lord? They said, Yes, we have testified". In the philosophical discussion of Being in the history of the mind, as How to degrade man from the highest levels of existence and his emergence in the material world, is one of the topics discussed in transcendent wisdom. Based on the author's induction There are two points of view in the explanation of the being of the history of the soul or the world of Zar: Sadr al-Mutallahin: He attributes this to God's rational knowledge of the origin of man. 2: Allameh Tabataba'i: He believes that the place of obtaining the covenant was the world of forms And this is a formative vow, that is, the attentiveness to the right of transcendence in all human beings is instinctively institutionalized. The purpose of this study is, firstly, to provide an accurate and documented report on the opinion of these two sages and finally to judge between these two views. The result of this research is that Mulla Sadra's opinion on the issue of the world of Zar is more compatible with rational-philosophical rules and does not have explicit opposition to the verses related to this issue. Allameh's opinion is more in line with appearances.


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