Analysis and Study of the knowledge of Almighty God to Creatures from the Perspective of Allameh Tabataba'i and Fakhre Razi (with emphasis on verse 59 of Surah An'am)

Document Type : Research Paper


Associate Professor of Islamic Knowledge, Islomic Azad University of Urmia Branch, Urmia, Iran


Regarding Quranic Verses, there are two types of provable knowledge of Almighty God about creatures: Pre-creation knowledge and post-creation knowledge. There is controversy among commentators on the realization and quality of such knowledge for God. Allameh Tabataba'i as the prominent contemporary commentator assumes the existence of both types of knowledge for God, classifies them as knowledge by presence type. He takes the knowledge of God on his Essence and completeness as the reason of pre-creation knowledge. Allameh defines the post –creation knowledge as present realization and attendance in spite of their sameness for Almighty God. Fakhre Razi, as one of the eminent Ash'ari School commentators, regard Post-creation knowledge as known-self as he believes realization of post-creation knowledge is impossible for God because it requires changes in the Essence of God which is impossible. the present study investigates the interpretive perspectives of these two prominent characters in the world of commentary.


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